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-19.59 (-0.27%)
Last Update: 1/3/2025 09:28:01 WIB
Stock Code | Last Price | Change | Change % |
UNTR | 26,025 | 325 | 1.26% |
KEJU | 1,225 | 215 | 21.29% |
PTRO | 2,920 | 180 | 6.57% |
TGKA | 6,175 | 175 | 2.92% |
ITMG | 26,325 | 150 | 0.57% |
ICBP | 11,350 | 125 | 1.11% |
SMAR | 3,690 | 110 | 3.07% |
PANI | 17,425 | 100 | 0.58% |
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